BLOG 12-20-23: Leading From the US in Gracious Powerful Leadership®️

Leading From the US in Gracious Powerful Leadership®️ 

We focus on embracing graciousness as a guiding principle to lead ourselves and to lead others. Graciousness is a spiritual, heart-centered principle with practical wisdom that can be implemented every day. 
I had a wonderful insight about the word gracious ending in us. How appropriate.
Relationships, business and social, are about us. Us is defined in the dictionary as used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people. 
Us means you and I connected. You and I are part of the group. There is a relationship, a bond, a contract between us. I get you and I got you.
Us implies safety, security, protection and community. Us understands that we are all united by our shared humanity, shared global impact, our love of life and the hopes and dreams for our families.
Let the us in graciousness be the guiding principle during this season of light, love and hope. 
Our very best wishes for peace, joy and graciousness are sent to you, your family and our entire world - To Us!!
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year. Best wishes for an amazing 2024.
We are available for keynote speaking, professional development seminars as well as consulting and coaching on creating collaborative and relationship-focused cultures.
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