BLOG 11-9-23: Dance While You Can: Gentle Reminders to Help You Live Life to the Fullest


Dance While You Can: Gentle Reminders to Help You Live Life to the Fullest

“May you always follow in the steps of the Lord of the Dance and experience the joy of His life song for your lives”.
Lance Wubbels, Author

Two of my favorite pastimes are reading and walking. One of the delights on my daily walk is to pass the little book stands in my neighborhood that say “Take a book, leave a book”. I often find wonderful treasures like this gem of a book by Lance Wubbels Dance While You Can. The author’s goal through the metaphor of learning the steps to our dances, is the message we can and must make the most of our lives and the opportunities presented. Wubbels says the beauty is that we can dance anywhere and at any time.
Dancing can be seen as a metaphor for leadership.
In my blog of November 8, 2022, Leadership Lessons - Dancing and Leading, I share that leading an energized, productive, diverse team requires the ability to embrace adventure, commit to learning new steps and give everyone some grace as they dance along with you.
Some additional thoughts regarding dancing and leading are:
1. Coordination: Just as a leader must coordinate and align the efforts of a team, a dancer coordinates their movements with the music and their partner. Both require a sense of timing and rhythm.
2. Adaptability: Leaders often need to adapt to changing circumstances, much like dancers adjust their steps and style based on the music and the dance partner. Flexibility is key in both situations.
3. Confidence: Successful leaders and dancers exude confidence in their abilities, which can inspire others to follow their lead.
4. Communication: Communication is essential in both leadership and dancing. A leader communicates their vision and goals, while dancers use non-verbal communication to convey emotions and intentions to their partner and the audience.
5. Trust and Teamwork: In partner dancing, trust and teamwork are vital. Dancers must trust their partner to follow their cues, just as leaders in an organization need to trust their team to execute their vision.
6. Presence: Effective leaders and dancers are fully present in the moment, focusing on the task at hand and connecting with their audience or team.
Overall, both leadership and dancing require a combination of skill, passion, practice and effective communication to achieve success.
What dance reminds you of leading yourself and leading a team? Waltz, jive, cha cha, tango, the hustle, etc?
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